
What is the lamination process in packaging?

Mar 08,2023 | Views: 490

lamination process in packaging, as 2nd step of whole the flexible packaging process, its main purpose is laminated all the packaging materials(printed layer materials/barrier layer materials/contact layer materials) together and formed a completed material structure by the method of dry lamination.

1-Soft and hard conditions of lamination process

(1)flexible packaging adhesives and solvent

lamination glue and solvent

lamination adhesives(glue) is necessary hardware to whole the lamination process in packaging, and the solvent is mainly used for diluting the lamination glue density and improving its adhesiveness, they need to be matched together as per a certain of proportioning.

(2)lamination machine

lamination machine

it can be said that, it is the main carrier of whole the lamination process.

(3)lamination operators

To operate the lamination machine, usually, it require 4 lamination operators(1 captain/2 operating staff/1 QC assistant).

2-Basic lamination process

(1)matching of glue and solvent.

matching of glue and solvent

They need to be matched as per a certain of proportioning before the lamination, the matching proportioning of each kind of materials is slightly different

(2)import of lamination glue

import of lamination glue

This lamination process in packaging is also required to be finished before the lamination, that import the lamination glue which has matched a certain proportioning of solvent into the glue groove.

(3)lamination of layer and layer

In this process, the lamination number of times is based on the layer number of material structure

  • 1st time of lamination: if the material structure without the barrier layer, that printing layer directly laminated with contact layer and this process is finished; if the material structure with single barrier layer, that printing layer laminated with single barrier layer; if the material structure with double barrier layer, that the printing layer laminated with this 1st barrier layer

1st time of lamination

  • 2nd time of lamination: if the material structure with single barrier layer, that “printing layer + barrier layer” directly laminated with contact layer and this process is finished; if the material structure with double barrier layer, that” printing layer + 1st barrier layer” laminated with this 2ndbarrier layer.

2nd time of lamination

  • 3rd time of lamination: that” printing layer + 1st barrier layer+2ndbarrier layer” laminated with the contact layer and this process is finished.

3rd time of lamination

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