
Inquiries of shaped doy pack with top spout

Nov 11,2021 | Views: 720
Fenbo Packaging located in Shantou, Guangdong, China-the origin place of China flexible packaging industry. As one of leading flexible packaging suppliers of China, Fenbo Packaging is dedicated to the manufacturing of spout pouches with different presentation for over 20 years. Recetnly, we got some inquiries of shaped doy pack with top spout from worldwide clients.

1. Product: 150g stand up pouches sri lanka-FBYXZLA047B
Inquiry: Dear sir, madam, I want to know how to get this product, please let me know a contact number for more details. Thank you

2. Product: 150g stand up pouches sri lanka-FBYXZLA047B
Inquiry: Dear Sir/madam, We are searching doy pack with a side spout for coconut oil. Need to pack 1000 ml. Can you offer me a price? Thank You

3. Product: 150g stand up pouches sri lanka-FBYXZLA047B
Inquiry: I need unprinted spout pouches. Can you supply? Please contact me immediately

4. Product: 150g stand up pouches sri lanka-FBYXZLA047B 

Inquiry: Spout Pouch 350ml & 750ml. 4Colour design. Plz Quote for MOQ.

5. Product: 150g stand up pouches sri lanka-FBYXZLA047B 

Inquiry: we are looking for buy 150g stand up pouches and i like to know if we want to buy how much for 10000 bags with artwork printing and is there a minimum qty for purchasing. Thank You

stand up pouches

6. Product: 150gram jelly spout stand up pouches china-FBYXZLA095A
Inquiry: I want a catalogue of your products and the price and the way to arrive this week products
7. Product: standing up pouches with spout ireland | cool drink packaging-FBYXZL019
Inquiry: Hi, We are looking to get clear, centered spout pouches for our bars. We will want them for serving cocktails and the size we are looking for is 200ml - 250ml. Can you send a quote please and also is the product recyclable?

8. Product: 500ml plastic water stand up pouch with spout nigeria-FBYXZLA036
Inquiry: Hello I'm interested for distributor your product

9. Product: 500ml plastic water stand up pouch with spout nigeria-FBYXZLA036

Inquiry: How much will it cost to buy 100,000 pieces 

10. Product: bolsa doy pack stand up pouch metalizada con valvula | envases flexibles-FBYXZL002

Inquiry: I need 100000 spouts of this type with with my specific content. I am from Delhi, India. Kindly send me the details with cost and shipping details.

11. Product: mylar doypack stand up pouches egypt 100g-FBYXZLA002
Inquiry: Hi, I am looking for a doypack filling line that can produce 100ml up to 1000ml with a cap. thanks

12. Product: stand up liquid pouches for food | packaging of liquid foods-FBYXZL009 

Inquiry: How much it will cost 100,000 pieces stand up liquid pouch please 

13. Product: 250ml stand up retort spout pouches products-FBYXZLA062A 

Inquiry: What is the cost per unit for this type of pouch (250 ml stand up retort spout pouch)? I would like to use this pouch to retort fruit juice for my small business. TQ

14. Product: 120gram baby food spouted stand up doypack pouches uk-FBYXZLA145

Inquiry: Hello, can you please advise the price per design for 100,000 60ml spouted pouches and 100,000 120ml pouches? Is there a volume discount per extra design? What is current turn-around and shipping time to Europe?

15. Product: standbeutel mit ausgiesser und blockboden kaufen | packaging standbeutel-FBYXZL070 

Inquiry: Hi i'm Looking for a spout pouches for our peanut butter Please contact me to discuss further.

16. Product: 250ml stand up pouch retort pouches bags with spout-FBYXZLA062B 

Inquiry: Good afternoon, I understand that this spout pouch can withstand 121 degrees. That's good because I want to sterilize my product (blended food) in an autoclave or steam oven. Do you have this packaging in 250 ml and 500 ml? Is it possible to purchase this packaging blank? Without a logo or printing? What is the minimum purchase quantity? Thanks for your answer. Kind regards 

17. Product: bolsas doypacks jugos de peru por mayor | doypack empaques-FBYXZL061 

Inquiry: I would like to inquire shaped doy pack with top spout 250 ml. Let say Minimun order 100,000 how much the cost and shipping cost to the Philippines. Hoping for positive response.

18. Product: packaging formato doypack | produttori buste stand up | buste stand up - FBYXZL136 

Inquiry: necesito con suma urgencia cotizar estos embalajes doypack ideal para poder envasar pure de banano en caliente. para loncheras de niños. por favor cotizar. estamos interesados en adquirir estos embalajes.

Since the commencement of our business, we have served more than 30 industries. We have enough experience in dealing with both product end-users, traders and group packaging project, professional purchasers. If you are intersted in our shaped doy pack with top spout, please contact us:

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