flat bottom pouch,also named as box pouch(looks like a brick when it is filled),their flat bottom enables them to steadily stand, thus offering an elegant appearance to attract customers on the shelves,widely used for the packaging of to package spices,chocolate,coffee,tea and etc.
The flat bottom pouch offers more support for easy storage when packing your product. The quad-seals, side-gussets and flat bottom provide rigidity and more filling volume than other flexible packaging pouches.this kind of bags are a popular choice in a wide variety of industries due to their ability to hold a substantial amount of product in terms of weight and volume while remaining visually appealing on the shelf. We use only the highest quality materials which extend shelf life and allow the contents of the bag to remain fresh for longer. By adding a zip into your flat bottom design, you can preserve your products integrity while offering a multi serve product option.
Why choose a flat bottom pouch?
It stand upright with a square base, making them the ideal choice for products that need to stand up on display. They’re often customised with additional features such as euro punched handles and tear notches to improve how they’re displayed and opened by customers, and also the following benefits:
-Strong, durable materials that are suitable for heavy products
-Protects the inside contents from any contamination
-They’re available in multiple materials and finishes
-They can be branded and customised to stand out from the competition
-Available in several sizes for different product weights
-Offer a more sustainable alternative to other packaging
What industries are flat bottom pouch suited to?
flat bottom pouches are able to hold a high amount of product due to the shape of the packaging, meaning they’re often used for heavy-weight goods or items that are sold in higher quantities, such as:
-Pet foods and treats
-Dry goods, such as rice
-Gardening supplies
-Protein powders
-Fishing supplies
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