
5 FAQ for the stand up pouch with spout

Aug 25,2021 | Views: 632
When customers approach us with an inquiry about the stand up pouch with spout, we often rely on a set of five frequently asked questions (FAQ) to better understand their specific requirements. These questions serve as a reference point, allowing us to tailor our solutions to their unique needs.


1.What kind of content needs to be filled, and can you provide product images or videos? Understanding the nature of the product to be filled is crucial. Product images or videos help us evaluate essential information such as product density, filling temperature, and the required pouch material structure and spout size for the stand up pouch with spout and cap.


2.How many milliliters of product need to be filled? Different filling contents are often measured in varying units such as ounces or grams. Converting these measurements into milliliters enables us to approximate the dimensions of the pouch required for the specific product.


3.After the product filling is completed, is any additional processing required, such as pasteurization in a tunnel or retorting inside an autoclave machine? Post-filling requirements are directly linked to the choice of material structure. For instance, if the pouch needs to undergo pasteurization in a tunnel, the material structure should be able to withstand temperatures up to 85℃-90℃.


4.Could you supply a sample stand up pouch with spout? A sample pouch provides crucial information about material structure, pouch dimensions, and printing effects. Often, customers' samples are sourced from local competitors or suppliers. Analyzing these samples enables us to provide an accurate quotation.


5.Is this the first time you are adopting such packaging? For customers new to this packaging, we provide guidance, whereas for those experienced with it, we offer additional suggestions. This understanding allows us to tailor our support to the specific needs of each customer.


Some customers may question why other stand up spout pouch manufacturers china do not require such detailed information for a quotation. However, we believe that providing a quotation solely based on experience could lead to oversight of critical details. This unprofessional approach may result in inaccurate quotations, causing frustration when unexpected costs arise due to overlooked details.It is essential to recognize that the profit margin for stand up pouch with spout is narrow. Even minor changes in details can significantly impact the quotation. Therefore, it is crucial to consider all aspects of the product and packaging to ensure an accurate and responsible quotation.


In conclusion, while our approach may seem thorough, we believe it ultimately serves the best interests of our customers by ensuring that all details are carefully considered, leading to accurate and reliable quotations.

For more video about spout pouch, please visit ourYoutube

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